Purchasing Your Wedding Gown Step 2 (of 5)

Welcome to FORmally YOUrs! Step Two of purchasing your perfect wedding gown is one of the most fun steps: trying on dresses!

We are so pleased that you chose us as your wedding dress source. We are here to assist your needs with experienced sales fashion consultants. Our associates have their degrees in everything from catering and floral arrangements, to fashion merchandising, fashion marketing and marketing. You are in good hands at FORmally YOUrs and we are eager to assist you in your hunt for the perfect wedding gown.

Please show us all of your pictures that you have saved during your research and browsing! We want to know the common thread and theme of all of your designs. Out of all of your pictures, which one in particular is your favorite? Is there a fabric that you love and/or hate? Is there a certain train length that you like? Please let us know at this time as we begin to pull some samples for you to try on.

What is the overall theme of your wedding? Is it in a church or outdoors? Are you going for elegant or more casual? Obviously, we are here to listen to your wishes and dreams. It is our job to capture your vision and make it your reality. We can help make a seemingly overwhelming task a very enjoyable and exciting time for you!

As we begin to fill up your dressing room with the gowns you desire to try on, the excitement begins to build. We will stay beside you to help you zip and lace and fluff your gown as you present yourself on the stage in front of your family and friends. As you view yourself in your reflection do not hesitate to communicate exactly how this dress makes you feel. We are attentive to your opinions, and when asked, we will share our honest opinions with you. However, please remember that it is ultimately YOUR decision. We want YOU to be beaming and radiant with joy in your gown. You are our guide and we are here to serve you. It is what we love to do. Our job is to make certain your needs are met in every area. Our experience helps to gently guide you to that perfect dream gown that best suits your body type .

You will know it when you put it on. Most of the time this statement rings true. Sometimes, it is a tie between two top gowns. That is okay too! Again, we will gently guide you through a process that will help you make that ultimate decision. At no time will we force an issue, as we want you to feel pure elation over your decision. Once your decision is made, we will walk you through the next steps for placing your order.

Stay tuned for Step 3! It just keeps getting better and more exciting!

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